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Foothill Oaks Elementary

Home of The Wolves

Foothill Oaks Elementary

Home of The Wolves

Parent & Community Involvement

To maintain strong home-school partnership, Foothill Oaks Elementary utilizes several ways to involve and communicates with parents. The school’s monthly Newsletter and Calendar informs parents of events and important information. Informative flyers in different languages and telephone calls are also used to invite parents to participate and attend in parent conferences, parent education nights, School Site Council, English Language Advisory Committee, and Wolf Pack meetings. 

Families are encouraged to participate in Back to School Night, Harvest Festival, Talent Show, Open House, Jog-A-Thon, class field trips, support with Book Fairs and Holiday Shop, Field Days, assisting in their's child classroom with activities and other school-based events.

Foothill Oaks families are kept abreast on their children’s learning via classroom newsletters regarding school and class activities, homework expectations and tips for families in supporting student learning. Teachers are also available through voice mail and e-mail, which were given out at the beginning of the year and are also available on this website’s Staff Directory page. 

School Site Council (SSC)

School Site Council (SSC)

The intent of the School Improvement Program (SIP) is to create a team at each school that will use all of its combined resources and special knowledge to make a school the very best that it can be. Teams will function under the instructional leadership of the principal, using the SIP process as a guide. 

The School Site Council (SSC) helps to develop a School Improvement Plan (SIP) based on the assessed needs of the total school population. The SSC reviews the implementation of the Plan on an on-going basis. The SSC assesses the effectiveness of the school program. The SSC approves the annual School Improvement budget. The SSC reviews and updates the implementation of the suggestions and action plans after the Program Quality Review (PQR). 

The Foothill Oaks School Site Council consists of at least 10 elected members (50% of school staff and 50% of parents/community members). The school staff membership is made up of the principal, three certificated and one classified staff members. The parents/community membership is being represented by five parents. 

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC)

ELAC is the site-based English Learner Advisory Committee. When there are over 21 students who speak a second language enrolled at a school, this committee is developed to ask questions, learn more about the instructional program, and be part of making the school program a successful learning experience.
Parent Participation/Volunteers/Wolf Pack

Parent Participation/Volunteers/Wolf Pack

Parents are welcome and encouraged to visit the school. All visitors must report first to the school office to sign in and receive a visitor’s badge. This badge must be worn while the visitor is on the school grounds. To ensure the safety of our students, visitors without a visitor badge will be asked to go to the office to get one.   Volunteers at a single event, a party or fundraiser, for example, are to sign in the same as visitors.

Frequent volunteers who will be on campus working with students on a regular basis throughout the year, or who will be driving students in a private vehicle for a school function, will need to complete a Frequent Volunteer Application. In accordance with Board Policy No. 1240, the application will be taken to the Sheriff’s Department to complete a Megan’s Law check.